With this post, I gather my thoughts about portraiture after reading parts of The Mirror and the Mask: Portraiture in the Age of Picasso, by Alarcó and Warner
Read MoreBook Report: Portraits, More than Meets the Eye

Book Reports
With this post, I gather my thoughts about portraiture after reading parts of The Mirror and the Mask: Portraiture in the Age of Picasso, by Alarcó and Warner
Read MoreSomething that stands out in this book is the quality of its visual poetry; how each photograph conveys a narrative and inspires introspection through their use of scale and tonality.
Read MoreSoyer was able to convey a sense of emotional charge by the way he applied paint to his canvases. Thick outlines in combination to flat layers of paint along with symmetric compositions in his paintings gave his subject matter a solid, even factual re-presentation
Read MoreFor me, all the noise that revolve around any specific camera you can think of is unbearable; and for that reason, I’m turning to printed publications when it comes to seeking art content.
Read MoreReading a retrospective book on Robert E McGuinnis reminded me of a question: Is illustration art?
Read MoreRenoir is known as an artist that was driven by a great amount of passion, a passion he manifested through painting his favorite subject matter, which was nature and the female form.
Read MoreI’ve always loved books. When I was younger I used to dream with a room filled with the largest book collection I could possible get.
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